If you could not attend the world premiere of the new POLITICAL COOL DOWN web series at the Mary Fisher theater here’s your chance to see how this series — designed to give people quick breaks to stay fresh for this most divisive election in US history — here’s your chance! Watch below and use this link to help make more with a tax-deductible donation  https://coolestmeditationever.allyraf…


As Earth, Orion’s Belt, and the star Sirius align and The Lion’s Gate peaks on August 8th, a portal for activating oneness in group meditation is a golden opportunity for a screening of an innovative new meditation film project in the vortex rich town of Sedona, Arizona.

Let’s face it, in the long hot fever dream summer of 2024, Americans are neck deep in the most divisive and disinformation-driven presidential election in US history. The stress of all this is compounded with not two, but three well funded political campaigns that could not be more different in their objectives or candidates.

All of this perfect political storm is being amplified by billionaire-owned media, spreading fear and hatred of the other for profit. Then toss in foreign actors seeking to divide and conquer America through all-out unchecked psychological warfare. Net result, whatever your politics, whether you’re ultra-MAGA, a liberal to left of AOC, or an on-the-fence-sitting-independent, we’re all as one:

F’ing exhausted.

Enter the new Political Cool Down series, from 27 year filmmaker Ken Sheetz.  Ken’s creating an uplifting series of coolest ever meditations which take no political stance. Zero. This despite Ken’s covering the US elections since 1996, on PBS and his hit Youtube series, both with rave reviews from the likes of The New York Times, Reuters and The Los Angeles Times. Alongside his wife, 17 year veteran and film producing partner, Elizabeth England, their mutual strong political beliefs are happily not relevant for this open-hearted project.

Political Cool Down’s simple but powerful mission is not to get people to disengage from politics, but to take refreshing breaks from the political fray with two to three minute meditations they can enjoy on either their desktops or cell phones.  POLITICAL COOL DOWNs are each lovingly crafted to give people of any political persuasion, right to left, a collection of two to five minute refreshing meditation breaks at their desk or on their cell phones.

Thus far the first AI narrated three videos in the POLITICAL COOL DOWN series are a mystical visit beneath Antarctica’s Ross ice shelf, a trip to a secret portal to other dimensions inside the great pyramid of Giza and an interstellar trip to Ken’s 2012 meditations in Antarctica where he first envisioned the imaginary ice world of Nektar.  A journey within to the level of atoms is in the next of the series in production.

Afterwards, you’ll be personally to make a tax deductible donation if you dig our work. No pressure to contribute. We love you just for meditating with us.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this AI voiced special invitation. See you in Sedona for the Lion’s gate 8.8.24! And please… leave all politics at the door.